Iconic Sires and Breeding Services offers South African stallion and mare owners a wealth of international experience in the equine breeding.


This exceptional stallion has proved himself as a serious competitor as well as a sire of top class competition horses.


Ustinov was named KWPN Stallion Champion in 2004 and in 2015 he was awarded ‘Keur’ status by the KWPN.

With German rider Caroline Müller, Ustinov competed successfully at international shows such as Moorsele (B), Münster (Ger), Verden (Ger) and Neustadt Dosse (Ger).


Ustinov’s great exterior and jumping qualities are deeply anchored in his pedigree. His sire is the show jumping legend, Libero H. This son of Landgraf I was the winner of 51 international competitions including 10 World Cup competitions, 12 Grand Prix’s and 4 Dutch National championships. He is also the sire of more than 80 grand-prix show jumping horses

Ustinov’s dam sire, Nimmerdor, produced over 60 international show jumpers as well as over 50 approved sons.

Breed: KWPN
Height: 16.2hh
Colour: Bay
Year Born: 2001
Country of Origin: The Netherlands
Resident in South Africa: No
Semen Available: Frozen
Stud Fee: €300.00 deposit + €1,200.00 on pregnancy (Live foal guarantee) or €750.00 per dose (6 straws)
Contact: Iconic Sires
Telephone: +27 (0)71 566 7305

Libero H (Holsteiner)
Landgraf I (Holsteiner)
Oktave (Holsteiner)
Ladykiller (Thoroughbred)
Warthburg (Holsteiner)
Roland (Holsteiner)
Gelonika (Holsteiner)
Haifa (KWPN)
Nimmerdor (KWPN)
Silja (KWPN)
Farn (Holsteiner)
Ramonaa (KWPN)
Marco Polo (Trakehner)
Willy A (KWPN)



With a Breeding Value of 153 (91% reliability) Ustinov is in third place on the KWPN breeding index. This placement is partly due to the test results of his daughters. As many as 82% of the inspected Ustinov-daughters received the predicate “ster” or higher.

Ustinov’s offspring are proving themselves continuously. The extremely talented mare Bestinov was named champion at the 2011 Dutch Young Horse Championships and has more recently been successful at 1.60m level, while her full brother, Cupido, won the Youngster Tour final at the CSI2* Geesteren. RNH MC Ustinov was the 2013 French 6 year old Eventing Champion.

Due to these great results at international shows, his strong Dam line, his ranking in the KWPN jumping index and the incredible amount of predicate mares (83%), Ustinov was awarded with the “keur” predicate in 2015!

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