Iconic Sires and Breeding Services offers South African stallion and mare owners a wealth of international experience in the equine breeding.


A beautiful example of what modern breeding can produce. He is the full package offering pedigree, technique and temperament.


Innovation is a beautiful and talented young stallion. He completed his KWPN ability test in 2016 where he was awarded high scores of 8 or higher in all sections. His test report emphasizes his strong, correct, and appealing exterior combined with his high-quality conformation. He is motivated and willing to work and has a good balance and light-footed canter that covers above average ground. Innovation’s showjumping skills show a good take-off and good reflexes. He has plenty of ability and gives his rider a very good feeling.



Innovation is the first KWPN approved stallion of the successful showjumping sire Van Gogh (semen also available through Iconic Sires). This son of the top horse producer Numero Uno won among others the GCT GP of Valkenswaard, the CSI5* GP of Los Angeles Masters and the CSI5* GP Hong Kong Masters resulting in more than a Million in prize money winnings.

Innovation’s dam, Athendra, is by the exceptional sire Contendro I (semen also available through Iconic Sires), who has produced more than 50 1.60m GP horses and descends from one of the most renowned dam lines ever. Athendra is a so called “Staats Premië Stute” and belonged to the best mares of her year and additionally got rewarded with the “Oldenburger Elite End-Ring predicate”. It was not a surprise that also the KWPN praised this mare in their dam Line report emphasizing on her great exterior and excellent movements. This dam line goes back to grandmother Athene (s.Last Liberty), also an “Elite and Staats Premië Stute”, and great grandmother Weidthene (s.Waidgraf) who carries some essential Thoroughbred stallions on her Father’s side. This dam line produced several approved stallions and successful sporthorses.

Breed: Oldenburg
Height: 16.3hh, 1.70m
Colour: Dark Bay
Year Born: 2013
Country of Origin: The Netherlands
Resident in South Africa: No
Semen Available: Imported frozen
Stud Fee: €550 per dose (4 straws) or €175.00 per straw
Contact: Iconic Sires
Telephone: +27 (0)71 566 7305

Van Gogh (KWPN)
Numero Uno (KWPN)
Movera (KWPN)
Libero H (Holst)
Jolanda (KWPN)
Bernstein (Hann)
Govera (KWPN)
Athendra (Oldenburg)
Contendro I (Holst)
Athena (KWPN)
Contender (Holst)
Bravo (Holst)
Last Liberty (Hann)


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