Iconic Sires and Breeding Services offers South African stallion and mare owners a wealth of international experience in the equine breeding.

Casallo Z

A hugely successful competitor with a pedigree boasting some of the best names in Show Jumping.


Casallo Z proved himself as one of the foremost competitors with more than 80 top-10 placings on the international circuit. Under rider, Piergiogio Bucci, his grand prix wins at some of the most illustrious of the world’s competitions included Estoril, Cascais, Hickstead, Gelderland, Pozna, and Liverpool. The pair were also part of the Italian teams that won the Nations Cups in Dublin, Rome and Arezzo, and competed at the European Championships in Herning.


Casallo Z’s sire is none other than the superstar, Casall Ask. Under rider, Rolf Goran Bengstsson, this phenomenal stallion placed in all of the world’s premier showjumping competitions with wins including the Rotterdam, Falsterbo, Hamburg, and Lyon grands prix, as well as the Hamburg and Monte Carlo legs of the Global Champions Tour, and the World Cup in Lyon. He was also part of the Swedish team that won bronze at the European Championships in Herning. At the 2012 London Olympics, Casall qualified in the top 25 but sadly couldn’t compete in the final due to an injury.
Katinka III, Casallo’s dam, descends from one of Holsteiner’s most successful mother-lines. This line has produced numerous successful grand prix show jumpers including, but, by no means least, Lord Calando and Katinka’s own sire Carthargo, as well as Cinnamon 3, Zandro Z, Calandra, and A-Cover Girl.

Breed: Belgium Warmblood
Height: 16.2hh, 167cm
Colour: Chestnut
Year Born: 2004
Country of Origin: Belgium
Resident in South Africa: No
Semen Available: Imported frozen
Stud Fee: €350 deposit + €1200 on pregnancy - Live foal guarantee.
Contact: Iconic Sires
Telephone: 0715667305

Casall Ask (Holst)
Caretino (Holst)
Kira XVII (Holst)
Caletto II (Holst)
Isidor (Holst)
Lavall I (Holst)
Maltia (Holst)
Katinka III ( Holst)
Carthargo (Holst)
Franca I (Holst)
Capitol I (Holst)
Perra (Holst)
Lord Calando (Holst)
Vabima (Holst)



Casallo’s Z first offspring are so far proving themselves and representing their sire well in the young horse classes. There are high hopes for their futures in the competition arena.
Casallo Z is a modern sporthorse stallion. He is fast and agile with tremendous technique both in front and behind. He is compact with immense power and ability. He suits mares that are not too small or lack too much blood.

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