Iconic Sires and Breeding Services offers South African stallion and mare owners a wealth of international experience in the equine breeding.

Pegase van’t Ruytershof

The ultimate stallion for the modern sport horse breeder. Already a champion stallion and sire of champions.


At a young age Pegase has already taken the breeding world by storm. In 2018 he was crowned Champion of the BWP stallion selection at 3-years-old and in the following year he won the PAVO Cup for 4-year-old stallions. Also in 2019 he produced the champion colt and filly at the BWP Elite Foal Championship, a feat no other 4-year-old stallion has achieved. Then in 2020 Pegase won the BWP Young Stallion Award.



Pegase is by one of the most sought after stallions in the world, Comme il Faut. By the top sire Cornet Obolensky (semen also available through Iconic Sires), Comme il Faut is the last son of show jumping’s most famous mare, Ratina Z.

Pegase’s dam, Gianthina van ‘t Ruytershof, also the mother of Jilbert van’t Ruytershof, adds more to an already impressive pedigree. Her sire, Cartani 4 (by Carthago) won or was placed at CSI 5* Grand-Prix and Nations Cup level. Her mother, Diamanthina van’t Ruytershof (by Diamant de Semilly), is another who had a very successful sporting career with numerous wins at CSI5* level but also as a broodmare having produced the likes of Kentucky van’t Ruytershof and Brillianthina Van’t Ruytershof. Diamanthina’s dam, Carthina Z (by Carthago), yet another excellent broodmare, produced Emerald van’t Ruytershof and Nixon van’t Meulenhof (semen from both is also available through Iconic Sires).

Breed: BWP
Height: 16.3hh, 171cm
Colour: Dark Bay
Year Born: 2015
Country of Origin: Belgium
Resident in South Africa: No
Semen Available: Imported frozen
Stud Fee: €350.00 deposit + €950.00 on pregnancy (Live foal guarantee)
Contact: Iconic Sires
Telephone: +27 (0)71 566 7305

Comme il Faux (West)
Cornet Obolensky (BWP)
Ratina Z (Hann)
Clinton (Holst)
Rabanna van Costersveld
Ramiro Z (Holst)
Argentina Z (Hann)
Gianthina van't Ruytershof
Cartani 4 (Holst)
Diamanthina van't Ruytershof
Carthago (Holst)
Taggi (Holst)
Diamant de Semilly (SF)
Carthina Z (Z)



At a very young age Pegase has already proved himself as a formidable sire. As already mentioned he produced the champion colt and filly at the 2019 BWP Elite Foal Championship.

Pegase is a very well put together horse. He passes on his huge, uphill canter, and long stride. He is incredibly athletic and rideable with an amazing natural balance, and offers plenty of scope.

He suites a lot of mares but is most suited to taller, more modern mares.

Photos and videos