Iconic Sires and Breeding Services offers South African stallion and mare owners a wealth of international experience in the equine breeding.

Nixon van’t Meulenhof

One of the most promising and exciting young stallions of his age with an exceptional pedigree.


Nixon van’t Meulenhof was approved by the BWP in 2016. In 2018 he won the Pavo Stallion Competition for 5-year-olds and at the end of 2019 he competed with Harrie Smolders in Jumping Mechelen where they won the 6-year-old stallions competition.

In November 2021 Jos Verlooy took over the ride of this exciting stallion. They competed in their first International competition in Azelhof where they jumped the 2* Grand Prix and after two lovely clear rounds they finished in fifth place. Since then they have racked up the placings in international classes and were even considered strong prospects for the Paris Olympics


Sire, Denzel van’t Meulenhof is a young stallion by the multiple international winner, Marius Claudius. Denzel’s dam is the famous mare Narcotique de Muze (Quidam de Revel) who also jumped at the highest level. In addition, she is the dam of 3 approved stallions. Besides Denzel van ‘t Meulenhof, these are also Jenson van’ t Meulenhof (Vagabond de la Pomme) and Iron Man van ‘t Meulenhof (Parco). Several sons of Denzel van’t Meulenhof have already been approved for breeding, including the vice BWP Inspection Champion in 2016 which has since joined the stables of Axel Verlooy and the KWPN approved Ipsthar, winner of the Stallion Competition for 5-year-olds in the Netherlands.

Nixon’s dam is Carthina Z (Carthago x Lys de Darmen). She is the dam of the famous stallion Emerald van’t Ruytershof (Diamant de Semilly), whose semen is also available through Iconic Sires, and Diamanthina van het Ruytershof (Diamant de Semilly). Both are active at the highest level. Carthina Z’s sire, Carthago, was a two time Olympian and won the Nations Cups in Aachen, Rotterdam and La Baule, as well as many Grand Prixs.

Breed: Belgium Warmblood
Height: 16.3hh, 1.70m
Colour: Chestnut
Year Born: 2013
Country of Origin: Belgium
Resident in South Africa: No
Semen Available: Imported frozen
Stud Fee: €750.00 per straw
Contact: Iconic Sires
Telephone: 071 566 7305

Denzel van't Meulenhof (BWP)
Marius Claudius (KWPN)
Narcotique de Muze (BWP)
Concorde (KWPN)
Icara (KWPN)
Darco (BWP)
Querly Chin (BWP)
Carthina Z (Zang)
Carthago (Holst)
Tanagras van het Darohof (BWP)
Capitol I (Holst)
Perra (Holst)
Lys de Darmen (SF)
Gesina van het Darahof (BWP)



Nixon has several very promising offspring to keep an eye on: Renshaw van’t Meulenhof, Ragnar van den Dries, Rube Dw, Silence Dwerse Hagen, Nabi’s Boy SDW z, Nefertete SDW Z, Rummikub De Muze, Royal Star Gc, Rozelien Dwerse Hagen, Redbull M, Night Flight EH Z, R-Neovanna EH, as well as several approved stallions who are now starting their careers and whose foals are sold as auction toppers.

Nixon passes on his strength and powerful hind quarter as well as his outstanding temperament and willingness to work.

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